Items where Year is 2014

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Number of items: 21.

Amelia, Dr. Amelia Nur Widyawati, SH., MKn (2014) Disertasi : Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pihak Ketiga Sebagai Pemilik Hak Atas Tanah Hak Guna Bangunan Di Atas Tanah Negara Yang Berubah Status Menjadi Hak Pengelolaan Dikaitkan Dengan Hak Menguasai Oleh Negara Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Hukum Pertahanan Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Padjadjaran.

Dr. Iran Sahril, SH., MH., MM., M.Ikom, Sahril (2014) Tesis - Pengaruh Keadilan Prosedural, Keadilan Distributif, Keadilan Iteraksional, Permbedayaan Karyawan dan Perencanaan Karir Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan di Tiga Industri Rumah Sakit di DKI Jakarta. Masters thesis, Universitas Trisakti.

Dr. Wira Franciska, SH., MH, Wira (2014) Disertasi - Kepastian Hukum Hak Pemegang Hak Guna Bangunan di Atas Hak Pengelolaan Dalam Perjanjian Penjaminan Kredit Perbankan Dikaitkan Dengan Hak Menguasai oleh Negara Dalam Rangka Pembangunan Hukum Pertahanan Nasional. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Padjajaran.

Dr.Santrawan, Totone Parparang,SH.,MKn.,MH (2014) Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Produsen Prekursor Narkotika Ilegal. Doctoral thesis, Pascasarjana S3.

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) The Selection Reaction of Homogeneous Catalyst in Soy-Epoxide Hydroxyation (URL DOKUMEN). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 495, 495 (012013). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 17578981, 1757899X

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synergization of silicone with developed crosslinking to soy-based polyurethane foam matrix (URL DOKUMEN). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 58 (012023). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 17578981, 1757899X

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synergization of silicone with developed crosslinking to soy-based polyurethane foam matrix, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 58 (2014) 012023 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/58/1/012023, TURNITIN RESULT. IOP Publishing.

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synergization of silicone with developed crosslinking to soy-based polyurethane foam matrix, Proceeding Scopus, Quartile (Q3) pada IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/58/1/012023, Presented in Jakarta. In: International Conference on Science & Engineering in Mathematics Chemistry and Physics (Scietech 2014), 13-14 Januari, Jakarta.

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) The Synergize effect of Chain extender to Phosphoric acid catalyst to the ultimate property of Soy-Polyurethane, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 710 (2016) 012014, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/710/1/012014, TURNITIN RESULT. IOP Publishing.

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Soy-Based Polyurethane Foam with Utilization of Ethylene Glycol in Polyol (URL DOKUMEN). Makara Journal of Technology, 18 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN E-ISSN: 2356-4539 ISSN: 2355-2786

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Soy-Based Polyurethane Foam with Utilization of Ethylene Glycol in Polyol, Makara J. Tech., Akreditasi B, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Makara J. Technol., 18 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 2356-4539

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Soy-Based Polyurethane Foam with Utilization of Ethylene Glycol in Polyol, Makara J. Technol. 18/1 (2014), 11-16, doi: 10.7454/mst.v18i1.2937, TURNITIN RESULT. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia.

Firdaus, Flora Elvistia (2014) The selection reaction of homogeneous catalyst in soy-epoxide hydroxylation, Presented pada Conf MOIME Jakarta, Proceeding Scopus, IOP Science, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 495 (2014) 012013, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/495/1/012013, Quartile (Q4). In: International Conference on Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering (MOIME) 2014, 13-14 Maret, Jakarta.

Hendra, Hendra Dinatha, SH, MH (2014) Tesis : Konsep Welfare State Studi Penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penanaman Modal. Masters thesis, Universitas Jayabaya.

Holilur, Dr. Holilur Rohman, SH, MH, MKn (2014) Tesis : Pengikatan Jaminan Fidusia pada Produk Pegadaian Kredit Angsuran Fidusia (Kreasi) di PT Pegadaian (PERSERO) Paska Berlakunya Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 130/PMK.010/2012. Masters thesis, Universitas Jayabaya.

Joko, Dr. Joko Sriwidodo, SH, MH (2014) Hukum Insider Trading. pertama . kepel press, Yogyakarta.

Joko, Dr. Joko Sriwidodo, SH, MH (2014) Penerapan Mediasi Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Restorative Justice Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana di Indonesia. CETAKAN PERTAMA . kepel press, YOGYAKARTA. ISBN 978-602-1228-00-5

Joko, Dr. Joko Sriwidodo, SH, MH (2014) Penerapan Sanksi Pidana dalam Undang-undang No.32 tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. pertama . kepel press, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-1228-27-2

Taqyuddin, Dr. Taqyuddin, SH., MH (2014) Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemegang Saham Minioritas Melalui Derivative Action (Gugatan Derivatif) Menurut Undang - Undang No 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas di Indonesia. Masters thesis, Universitas Jayabaya.

Yeti Widyawati, YW (2014) Synthesis of Trimethylolpropane Esters of Calophyllum Methyl Esters: Effect of Temperature and Molar Ratio. Synthesis of Trimethylolpropane Esters of Calophyllum Methyl Esters: Effect of Temperature and Molar Ratio, 3 (3). pp. 188-192. ISSN 2252-4940


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